66 West Plagler St. Suite 900-6924, MIAMI, FL

 +1 (786)-786-2725



Franchises and network

AmSteel International has a strong network of franchisees across the World. We are leaders the World in the Steel Framing construction industry, specializing in the design and construction of large steel-frame development projects. Unlike our competitors, AmSteel has the ability to manufacture larger Steel Framing Projects than anyone else in the World and this advantage, combined with our exclusive systems, allows us to create residential and commercial Steel Framing building projects of virtually any size.

Low startup and low inventory costs

Low startup and low inventory costs
If you’ve looked at other types of franchises, you know the startup costs can be astronomical. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at our reasonable costs. Most of the start-up cost is for training and material stock

With our parent company Somundy Enterprises manufacturing in country, dominant industry position, we’ve been able to negotiate local prices that will give your business a serious advantage over every other competitor out there.

Our experienced startup team will work with you right from the beginning. We know what it takes to make a store work, and we’ll make sure yours gets off on the right foot, right from the beginning.

Our franchisees come from a variety of different backgrounds. Some were experienced business people who recognized the potential of our concept, but had no framing experience. Others were experienced framers who had no idea how to run a successful business. Today, thanks to our intensive training program, which includes a thorough introduction to our state-of-the-art computer systems, our experienced business people have become expert framers, and our framers know exactly how to run an efficient business.

The International Marketing Network was established to provide you with a full range of professionally produced marketing and merchandising materials––the kind you couldn’t afford as an independent business owner. Some of these programs include our proprietary web based marketing system and direct mail programs, our yearlong series of in-store merchandising programs, a link to your store’s individual customizable website on The Great Frame Up website, in-store window and point of sale signage and displays, as well as other International advertising discounts. Plus, our “Best Seller Lists” will give you an ongoing, industry-wide view of what’s hot and what’s not.

As our Mission Statement says, “The success of our franchisees is our highest priority.” We have dedicated professionals working full-time for you in our Franchise Support Center in various countries and various languages.

Running a business isn’t always a matter of dollars and cents. A great many people own successful businesses that give them no personal pleasure whatsoever. The Great Start-Up is different. Here, you’re dealing with happy customers who come in by choice, who have interesting projects for you, and who are depending on you to help beautify their homes and buildings. This makes it fun for both you and your customers.

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“CONSTRUCTOR” Investment
$20 000.00 USD

Royalties structure: - 2.2% ON VALUE OF PROJECTS - 2% additional royalty on projects sourced from AmSteel Group - 2% Advertising, Promotions, Publishing Minimum Profit margin 12% - Nett Before Tax Customer pays for royalties on projects Customers would rather do business with a franchise then with ''Joe Nobody the Builder'' Money back guarantee after 12 months if AmSteel Group cannot provide $20 000.00 USD worth of profit within 10 months

“INDUSTRIAL” Investment
$65 000.00 USD

Royalties structure: - 2.2% ON VALUE OF PROJECTS - 2% additional royalty on projects sourced from AmSteel Group Minimum Profit margin 20% - Nett Before Tax Customer pays for royalties on projects AmSteel Group is still more competitive than local building company’s even with our royalty structure, due to the fact that we manufacturer all our products in each coutry Customers would rather do business with a franchise then with ''Joe Nobody the Builder'' Money back guarantee after 24 months if AmSteel Group cannot provide $65 000.00 USD worth of profit within 16 months

Open markets

We have new development opportunities in many areas as we continue our International expansion. We also have a limited number of existing locations available from time to time.
If you are interested in current new market or resale opportunities, we encourage you to contact us as we are interested in expanding most markets across the World.  If you would like further information about a specific The Great Start-Up business opportunity, you may contact our AmSteel International Commercial Manager via the contact information listed.

This web site and the franchise sales information on this site do not constitute an offer to sell a franchise. The offer of a franchise can only be made through the delivery of a franchise disclosure document. Certain countries require that we register the franchise disclosure document in those countries. 

Amsteel International is committed to serving the people of the world by providing affordable, quality housing. We specialize in the design, financing, transportation, construction, and finishing of steel frame homes through our distributor and worldwide franchising organizations.
Mon - Sat: 7:00-18:00
USA / FLORIDA: 66 West Flagler St. Suite 900-6924, MIAMI, FL
+1 (786) 786 2725
EUROPA / Madrid : Calle de Hermosilla, 48 , 28001 Madrid, España
+(34) 910 821 072
LATINOAMÉRICA: Av. Cra 45 N° 108 A-50 Piso 6 - Bogotá / Colombia
+(57) 601 658 2663
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